The suggested change, is to take away the dumpster, and replace it with a treasure chest, and some yellow roses (meaning of 'penitence' at Lourdes, Fatima, etc.).
The feeling is that the dumpster is too graphic, too cold. The treasure chest would be 'kinder', reflecting the babies as God's treasures to the world.
I reflected and prayed about this for quite some time (over a week). I kind of liked the treasure chest idea, but something in the back of my mind wouldn't let me fully embrace it. I prayed about it, discussed it with my confessor, prayed about it some more, and then finally, was able to see the decision.
I was given a glimpse of something that Jesus wants the world to see. That glimpse, is the memorial Unborn Innocence. Jesus was holding babies that He had lifted up from a dumpster.
There is no "warm and fuzzy" feeling from seeing a dumpster filled with trash and aborted babies. It is gruesome, a treasure chest filled with aborted babies wouldn't be??
I know that I cannot possibly understand what the thought process might be in the mind of a lady who has 'been there-done that" with an abortion...but what if women, girls, who have not 'been there" yet, are so struck by the gruesome reality of what abortion really is, that they opt out of that choice??? Then I would have to say we scored a home run.
Jesus will forgive those who have made the wrong choice...if they seek him out. My hope all along has been to donate some of the money made from Unborn Innocence to a place called Rachel's Vineyard, where they offer healing retreats around the country for these women. The women I know of thus far, who have had abortions...have not/are not healed yet. It was just a "choice", and they have been able to live with that all these years until they are faced with what they have known all along....abortion is a bad choice, a wrong choice.
So, the decision is made...Unborn Innocence will continue it's message utilizing the image of a dumpster. It has never been my intent to offend or upset anyone.
My prayers then, are for those whom are upset by this visual. I pray that they might have the strength to face what upsets them, and find the closure and forgiveness that only Jesus can give. He wants so very badly to give it, but first,...they must seek Him out.
(seek ye first, the kingdom of God...and all these things will be given unto you, Alleluia!)
May the Lord have Mercy and Love on us all.......Amen