Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our Lady of Fatima, in Lafayette Louisiana is....

...the home to newest Unborn Innocence Memorial to the Unborn!!!

Our good friend Dr. Bergeron, in Scott, LA is a genuine guardian angel of this ministry in the great State of Louisiana!! "Doc" (as he allows me to affectionately call him) met briefly with Fr. Michael Russo, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Lafayette, to show him the Memorial, and Fr. Michael's immediate response upon viewing was, "... Wilton, I must have one of these for my Church, this speaks the message Our Lord wants heard. I think this artwork must be at the entrance of our Adoration Chapel, right in the doorway! If everyone going into the Adoration of Our Lord has this 'message' in their heart... on their mind... in their prayers,... we will see the end of abortion!" 


Well, "Doc" immediately called to tell me the good news!, and I immediately went out to the shop and started selecting the boards that would become Our Lady of Fatima's Memorial to the Unborn!

I spoke with Fr. Russo earlier this week, to let him know the Memorial was on it's way. He was on his way out of town for a couple of days, and shared that he would probably do an 'Official' dedication next January.

I apologized that it took me so long to get his Memorial ready to ship, because although it was scheduled to arrive on Friday... the Knights of Columbus World Day of Prayer for the Unborn was the take place this Sunday, March 25th, the feast of the Annunciation. (not much time to plan anything)

Fr. Russo suddenly exclaimed "That's right, I forgot about that!... Oh Jim, you did say it would be here Friday?! I think I might have just enough time to do something special this weekend!! Thank you so much for reminding me!! God Bless you for what you are doing!"

And with that beautiful exclamation and Blessing, he bade me goodbye.

Thank you, Fr. Russo. Thank you for helping me fulfill the Lord's directive! Thank you for sharing what the Lord spoke to your heart.

We can put an end to abortion,... no,... WE,  can put an end to abortion!!

Ave Maria, vivat Jesus!

coming soon....."Doc" called yesterday....he thinks he has a home for another Memorial!!! more later!...

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing where the next Memorial will be!!
